Collection and Shipping Information

Delivery Estimates

The estimated time to ship for each product we sell is detailed on the individual product page just underneath the price. From when your items ship, products typically arrive within 1 working day for North Island deliveries and 2 working days for South Island deliveries. Rural deliveries may take an extra working day, and bulk deliveries may take an extra 2-4 working days.

We use Courier post, a service from NZ Post.

Same Day Delivery

Need your order in a hurry? Ubertec offers same day delivery for the Auckland. Simple place your order before 1pm (provided your items are in stock) and select one of our same day delivery options

We use deadline as per preferred urgent courier

Shipping Costs

Shipping costs vary based on your location and the items being shipped

To calculate what the shipping costs will be for your order, add the items you are interested in to your cart, shipping will be calculated automatically.

Shipping Security

All orders shipped by Ubertec are sent via a courier with a signature required for each delivery. In some cases, and only where you have given the courier company permission to leave orders at a designated location, your order may be delivered without requiring a signature.

Click & Collect in Parnell

You can pick-up your online order from 3 St George's Bay Road in Parnell. Provided the item you select has stock and there's no hold-ups with payment we will have your order ready within 1 hour (during normal trading hours) otherwise it may take up to 5 working days to transfer the stock to Parnell so your order can be fulfilled.


  • You'll get a text when it's ready to collect: You will receive a text message when the items are ready. Please wait for this text message before visiting the store to collect.
  • Store hours: We are open 8.00am - 4.30pm Monday - Friday with late night on Thursday until 6pm. Saturday 9.00am - 4.00pm.
  • Bring ID with you: Bring a valid New Zealand photographic ID such as a NZ Drivers licence or Passport & the order number.

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